In the medical industry, there are many times when you just can’t afford to take chances. One of the most important safety issues you deal with is in the handling of bio hazards. Fluids like blood, urine, and other waste offer significant health risks to patients and medical personnel. For this reason, one of the products you must be able to rely on without fail is your choice in fluid collection bags.
Fluid collection bags are used for colostomy bags, for storing blood and plasma and collecting urine, among other things. These are made by several different vendors and are customized to suit their exact use.
If your business uses fluid collection bags, you want to ensure you’re purchasing these from the most reliable vendor you can find. Talk with any vendor you’re considering and be sure to get references from their current customers. Also, check out their particular products to ensure that their quality is what you expect for your business. You never get a second chance to protect your staff once a product containing a bio-hazard fails.
If you’re currently using fluid collection bags, it is critical that you periodically evaluate the bags you use, and compare these to other products on the market. The best way for you to do this is to talk with the vendor you use, and with their competitors, to ensure you’re using the right products.
If you haven’t recently evaluated your fluid collection bags and the vendor that provides these, now is the time to make that call. You can find out if there are products on the market that would serve your business better. If you determine you’re using the best fluid collection bags for your application, you’ll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re doing absolutely everything you can to protect your patients and your staff.