How Proper Maintenance Can Save You Money on Your Transmission Repair

by | May 30, 2014 | Auto

If your car ever needs a transmission repair, it will likely be a very expensive venture. In fact, there are few things on a car that are more expensive to repair than a transmission and if your tranny needs to be completely replaced, the cost will skyrocket even more. Fortunately, there are a few things that you and your mechanic can do to prevent your transmission from failing, which is sure to save you a great deal of money in the coming years.

Listen to Your Car

Some car owners choose to ignore strange behavior and sounds that come from their vehicles, hoping that the problem resolves itself. While there may be cases where this strategy works, it will usually lead to you needing some major repairs down the line. The truth is that cars never fix themselves and if you have a problem right now, it will get worse before it gets better. Therefore, if you feel your transmission slipping, it is a good idea to take it into a transmission repair shop immediately. Even if it costs you some money to repair it right now, this is far better than having to replace it in a few years.

Get an Expert Opinion

One major problem with the Internet is that people believe that it holds all of the answers. We are seeing an increasing number of people self-diagnose health issues, rather than going to the doctor, and people doing the same with their vehicles. Unless you have significant mechanical experience, the chances of you properly diagnosing what is wrong with your car are slim. Failure to properly diagnose the issue could make it worse and in the case of transmissions, could cost you a lot of money. Take your car to a mechanic to have the proper diagnostics tests run before the damage worsens.

Fluid Levels

Taking your car to a mechanic for regular maintenance can help in a number of ways, including keeping your fluid levels at an optimal level. If your transmission fluid gets too low, it does not take long for a major problem to arise. Generally, the more you trust your mechanic to maintain in your vehicle, the fewer long-term problems you will have.

Trans Works Transmission can handle every aspect of your transmission repair on both foreign and domestic automobiles. You can contact them today through their website at


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