Why Call a Criminal Law Attorney in Louisville, Kentucky

by | Aug 18, 2022 | Uncategorized

There are different reasons that people choose to call a criminal law attorney in Louisville. They help people with any type of criminal charges, as well as criminal investigations. You can call a firm such as Winton & Hiestand Law Group, PLLC for help when you need it. They have years of experience, and they can make sure that you have an advocate as you navigate the process.

Felonies and Expungement

If you find yourself charged with a felony, you need the help of a criminal law attorney in Louisville. Felonies are the most serious crimes, and they carry prison sentences that last a year or longer. You can end up spending a lot of time in prison if you are convicted. In addition, there are fees, court costs, classes, programs, and probation or parole issues to deal with. If you are convicted, you may lose your right to possess a firearm, vote, and more. It can be challenging to find a job or get financial aid for school.

Why Call a Criminal Lawyer?

The main reason to call a criminal law attorney in Louisville is that they have extensive experience handling all kinds of criminal cases. They understand the entire process from police interrogations and line ups to defending you and advocating for you in court. They can work with the prosecutor to reduce your charges, and they can try to help you get your conviction expunged. This process can be difficult and confusing, but experienced attorneys will be able to simplify it and help you go through it.

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