What to Expect After a Septic Tank Pumping in Sorrento, FL

by | Nov 26, 2015 | Septic Tanks

Septic tanks are designed to function efficiently for a number of years with nothing more than routine maintenance. After undergoing a Septic Tank Pumping in Sorrento FL, the homeowner is likely to notice that the level of efficiency is higher than in recent times. Here are some of the benefits to expect once the job is done.

Water Drains Faster

Whether it is in the shower or the toilet, the homeowner is likely to notice that the water drains a little faster. This is because as the septic tank was filling up, it was taking a little longer for everything to empty into the tank. If the homeowner waited until the tank was at capacity and beginning to back up before calling for help, the results of the Septic Tank Pumping in Sorrento FL, will be even more apparent.

No More Noxious Odors

In the last few weeks before the pumping took place, there was a less-than-pleasant odor wafting out of the drains. This was because some of the wastewater were backing up rather than flowing into the tank. With the septic tank pumping completed and the bacteria level restored to a reasonable level, that problem no longer exists. Now the only aroma emerging from the drains is the scent of the soap or dish washing liquid the homeowner uses.

The Lawn is Dry

Just before the pumping occurred, the homeowner noticed that the ground over the septic tank was a little spongy and moist. This was due to the overflow from the tank. Now that it is emptied, and all the valves are checked, there are no longer any wet spots in the lawn.

For anyone who is having trouble remembering when their septic tanks were checked or emptied last, click here to get additional info about how to have the tank inspected. If it is nearing capacity, the professional can schedule an appointment to conduct a full inspection, empty the tank, and make sure that it is ready to go for several more years. Once the job is complete, it will be easy enough to keep up with a maintenance schedule and rest assured that the septic tank is always performing at an optimum level.

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