Ways to Make Working With a Jacksonville Divorce Lawyer Easier

by | Dec 3, 2021 | Law Services

When you’re working with an attorney through your divorce, you’ll likely develop a relationship like none other. This person will probably ask questions that you might not want to answer while offering answers that you might not want to hear to give you the best outcome possible. Here are a few things to do to make the process a bit easier.


While you might want answers as soon as possible from your divorce lawyer in Jacksonville, FL, try to avoid calling the office every day. If your lawyer is the only one in the office, they need to have plenty of time to work on your case and the other cases that they have. Unless there’s an emergency, try not to call outside of office hours as well.


When working with a divorce lawyer in Jacksonville, FL, you’ll usually put together a strategy that can give each party things they want. Keep in mind that you might not get every single thing that you’re asking for from the divorce, but your attorney can work to fight for what you deserve.


Try to take as much information to your first meeting as you can so that your attorney has a good start on looking over your finances and any property that you own together or separately. You should also take any documents that give details about child custody or visitation, any lawsuits in place, and any judgments that your divorce might impact.

Learn more about ways to make working with your lawyer easier by contacting Forefront Law at forefrontlawfl.com.

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