It is absolutely fascinating to understand the level of sophistication that is available for scientific research. It is hard to believe that levels of specific peptides, hormones and enzymes in the blood that were undetectable a few years ago are now routinely measured and monitored in scientific research projects around the world. This is important in research to determine how to use Melanotan 2, a synthetic peptide, in the right amount to bring about desired results.
The Study
In a study published in the Journal of Neuroendocrinology in February of 2003 a group of researchers studying how to use Melanotan 2 noted that the naturally occurring alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone in the body acts as an anorectic peptide, signally the hypothalamus to shut down the desire to keep eating. This was noted in mature rats.
Researchers also noted that the maximum amount of appetite suppression was seen in the first few days, typically the first two, but then the feeding levels increased to normal even with continued Melanotan injections. They then decided to use Melanotan 2 in conjunction with another neuropeptide, an appetite stimulant, to see if a difference was noted.
The Results
The results were actually amazing. When attempting to determine how to use Melanotan 2 for weight control in rats it was noted that the rats that had both peptides administered actually had the initial appetite suppression. However those that had Melanotan 2 only decreased the fat tissue by a factor of 2 while those with the appetite simulant and Melanotan 2 actually doubled the size of the fat pads, but without the return to chronic over-eating. In other words the Melanotan 2 was able to override the boost in the levels of appetite stimulant provided at the same time.
This is one of the first studies that shows the complicated relationship between the various peptides and is helping researchers in understanding how to use Melanotan 2 effectively in weight loss studies in rats. Keep in mind these rats are bred to be chronically obese, creating the optimum study group for weight loss and appetite control research.