Requirements for RV Storage in Spokane, WA

by | Jun 2, 2015 | Construction And Maintenance

The end of the camping season means that it is time to find storage for the RV. There are several requirements needed to ensure the RV is adequately protected. Like any vehicle, the RV can deteriorate if it is not adequately protected. The following items are needed to ensure a safe storage area for your RV.

One of the items needed for RV Storage in Spokane, WA is a large covered place for them to reside. The dimensions of the RV should be measured to determine the height and width that the building needs to be to accommodate it. This will help ensure that there is the adequate space where they are stored. Make sure to take into account any parts that may stick out, such as the rolled up piece for the canopy and any skylights, as well as the mirrors. There should be enough clearance for entrance and exiting the space.

Another item that is needed is a concrete or asphalt pad. This helps to support the weight of the RV. In addition, it will help prevent the tires from rotting. This can happen if the tires are left in the dirt. Since many RVs have six or more tires, tire protection should be considered as part of the storage.

Access to electricity is another item for RV Storage in Spokane WA. Occasionally, the electrical system needs to be run and checked to make sure that it is working properly. These tests are necessary because pests can get into the wiring and chew it up over time. This connection is also necessary if you intend on keeping certain items, such as the refrigerator, going during storage. Using the generator can be extremely dangerous in an enclosed space and is not recommended for long term usage.

These are the basic requirements needed to store your RV. While the RV does provide a home during the camping season, storing it properly afterward will ensure that you can use it when the season begins again. For more information on adding storage space for your RV, contact Town and Country Builders Inc. in Spokane, WA.

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