Your Options for Garage Kits in NJ

by | Oct 8, 2013 | Construction And Maintenance

Whether you’ve outgrown your existing garage area or your home doesn’t have a garage and you’re looking to construct one, you’ll have a lot of different options in order to construct a garage on your own property. However, if you’re not financially prepared for the traditional construction of a garage unit, you may want to consider garage kits NJ as a possible option. These kits have a great deal of benefits over traditional construction, and can give you the garage space you’re looking for quickly and conveniently.

When you’re looking for garage kits, you’re going to have two basic options. The first option is a stud wall garage kit. This is likely as close as you’ll get to traditional construction of a garage unit. This type of kit will allow you to have stud walls so you can finish off your garage either with drywall or if you choose you can leave the wall framing exposed.

The downside to stud wall garage kits are that they will require you to lay a foundation in order to build your garage. This can dramatically increase the costs of constructing a garage. However, once the foundation is complete, you can choose your size garage kit. A kit will include all of the necessary pieces to construct a garage.

The next option you will have is a pole garage kit. These are much easier to construct and in a few days, at most, you can have a garage space for your home. Since the pole supports for this garage kit will be driven directly into the ground, there is no need to prep the surface with a concrete foundation like you would with a stud wall garage kit. While the interior won’t have the finished look of a stud wall garage kit, if you’re simply looking for more space for your vehicles or to store a few things, this is the most affordable and fastest option.

Depending on what you’re purpose is for a new garage, with these two different options for garage kits NJ, you can have the space that you need for your new garage unit. If you’re looking to have ample space for cars, lawn equipment, a workshop or simply for extra storage, these options are both affordable and even with stud wall garage kits, you can have a garage in a very short period of time. Visit APM Buildings for more information.

If you’re not financially prepared for the traditional construction of a garage unit, you may want to consider garage kits NJ as a possible option. For more information visit the website or like us on Facebook.

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