Culture Change In Long-Term Care

by | Mar 5, 2012 | Health Care

As a culture change is making its way through nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, there is a culture change facility West Texas. One area that is getting a lot of attention in the cultural change is in the kitchen. In the past this has been nothing more than a necessary part of a long-term care facility. But as long-term care facilities move towards more person-centered care the kitchen and residents’ diet is taking on a much bigger focus. Residents want to be able to look forward to their meals. As changes are made and upgraded it becomes obvious to the residents, their families, and even the staff.

You want the culture change facility West Texas to see food as part of the healing and social process. Food needs to be presented in such a way that people want to eat it. It should be a celebration and sharing time. Meal time often is the highlight of the residents’ day. You want the food to be inviting so the residents eat; having food uneaten has no nutritional value.

The goal of making the dietary changes to culture change facility West Texas is to make the residents feel at home as much as possible. In addition to the dietary changes there may also be a more flexible meal schedule for the residents. This is a good way to deinstitutionalize the feel around meal times. Some of the dining styles being used in long-term care facilities are buffet style, restaurant style, twenty-four hour room service, and open access to food. Having more than one dining style available will allow the residents to better maintain the life style for which they are accustomed. It will also allow for flexibility when the residents have visitors. Some facilities have kitchenettes throughout the facility so that residents, family, and staff can have snacks twenty-four hours a day.

The dietary services provided by culture change facility West Texas are important. The changes that are being made are innovative and creative and making strides to provide a more home like environment. Long term care facilities are starting to understand that it is just as important how food is served as what food is served. Food is vital for the health of the residents. Having food that they want to eat will improve their health and add to the quality of life they have at the long term care facility.

Culture change facility West Texas – If you are looking for culture change facility in West Texas, get in touch with Crown Point Health Suites. you will have as many comforts of home as possible.

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