When you walk into a bakery, the aroma of fresh pastries, cookies, and muffins wafts from the kitchen area and straight to your nose. As you approach the counter to choose the best muffins, you might wonder what you should consider so that you purchase just the right one. Here are a few details to keep in mind.
When you’re at a bakery chocolate chip muffins, one of the first details to look at is the appearance on the outside. The top of the muffin should have a slightly crisp top without being too hard. The bottom of the muffin should be firm but not burnt as this can impact the overall flavor at times.
Pay attention to the size when you’re visiting a bakery for chocolate chip muffins. They should be a little bit larger than cupcakes. As the surface area of the top of the muffin increases, you’re going to get more flavor and the iconic look of a muffin top. Since larger muffins tend to require more time in the oven, it allows for the top to get that golden color that’s desired as well.
Tasty Additions
Among the most popular inclusions for muffins are chocolate chips. Each bite should deliver a taste of the sweet morsel without overwhelming the muffin. You don’t want the muffin to have a brown appearance because there are too many chips inside, but you do want to be able to tell that it’s a chocolate chip muffin when you look at it and when you take a bite.
Learn more about what to look for in a muffin by contacting BakeryCorp at Sitename.