4 Must-Have Qualities of Your Rental Walk-in Refrigerator

by | Feb 26, 2016 | Event Planning

If you’re just starting with your food business and you don’t have much capital to spare, getting a rental walk-in cooler for your food events is the perfect solution. Here are four things you’ll need to look into before you sign up for one:

Food Service Equipment and Supplies Magazine cites reliability issues as the number one reason for why most owners need to toss their old walk-in coolers for a new one. That same quality is important in a rental walk-in cooler. You need to be able to know you can count on the cooler. The food service business is a demanding one. And if your tools fail you, you fail your clients in turn. That could call your professionalism into question, something that could damage your credibility and the business you’re trying to build. Keep all that from happening by investing in the right rental coolers.

Does the refrigerator run without issue? That’s another thing you need to keep an eye out for. If you notice any buildup of frost along portions of the interior panel surfaces, though, that’s an indication that the unit isn’t quite up to handling the temperatures you need to ensure safe food storage. Since this can affect the quality of the food in storage, you’ll need to look to another until you find a rental that can run without giving you any problems.

Damaged Panels
While it isn’t necessary to rent a brand new walk-in cooler, you should be careful about renting one that might be too old. Check for damaged panel joints, for one. That means air leaks. So whenever you use it, you get less of the temperature you need while paying for higher energy bills. Not the best bargain to be had, that’s for sure. So if you want something better, always check for damaged parts. If you find them, request another unit. If there’s none available, look at another rental company.

The great thing about refrigerators these days is that they’re designed to be more energy-efficient. So you can use more power for less. If you must get a rental, then be sure to pick an energy-efficient unit. That way, you can take advantage of the cost savings as well.

So don’t be taken in by the first rental cooler you see. With enough time and research, you’ll get your hands on a walk-in refrigerator in Charleston SC that meets your every need.

Domain offers a range of walk-in refrigerator choices you can rent. For inquiries and reservations, get in touch with us now!

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