Social media has enhanced the presence of just about every possible form of entertainment. Television shows feature integrated Twitter hash tags, authors for great novels have vivid blogs to interact with writers that are directly linked to their respective social media feeds.
Theatre has taken on new life in this new digital age of immediate fan response, social media interaction, and blog-oriented sharing. Broadway Audience is just one of the leading resources in managing this intrepid mini-culture of ideological progressive thinkers and creatively infused creators. It is a forum for people to discuss all matters theatre, to explore their favorite genres and why these respective genres are favorites in the first place. It is a forum to collectively gather thoughts from wide demographics of people and explore why they have the opinions they do.
It is fascinating to understand the concept of integrity and image in social media. A single mistake could cost a business their life. A single show could be torn apart by critics, but embraced by fans. This creates an interesting duality off Broadway shows. Fans can discuss the dynamic between two characters, where critics can simply move on to the shows that appear in popular critic circles.
There is also something else interesting that is going on. Shows with very small audiences are gaining notoriety on the web through two ways. One is the fans that did experience the show are exploring its details, discussing its future, and picking apart performances (mostly for the better). They have developed a small cult culture around the show that would not have been possible without that online forum for discussion.
On the other hand, people are embracing shows they did not catch the first time around. A few shows are being picked up for another showing at a much earlier date. Some shows are seeing physical DVD releases due to new exposure and fan interest. It is the essence of a cult classic. Shows are finding audiences after their initial run off Broadway shows because of fan reaction, dedication, and growth years down the road. The online forum allows fans to create a functional following that is dedicated and respectful- mostly. Visit the website for more information.