How to Make Proper Use of Swimming Pool Shock

by | Jun 11, 2015 | Water Filter

Adding shock to a pool, or “shocking” it, is necessary to keep it clean. The shock is the grainy or tablet form of chlorine that gets rid of bacteria and viruses in the pool. You need these chemicals to promote the total cleanliness and usability of any pool. Learn more about swimming pool shock and why you need this chemical to clean this water regularly.

The Process of Shocking

When you add chlorine cleaner to a pool, you allow the chemical to combine to the dirty, unwanted particles in there. The result is the creation of the so-called combined chlorine that must be taken out of the pool. You “shock” the pool to remove these combined particles. Rapidly increasing the chlorination of your pool is the way to do it. This way, you burn off any traces of the combined chlorine.

The Different Types of Shock

Of course, find many types of shock chemicals sold in department and pool specialty stores. Know a few tips to help you sort through the different competitive brands available. The products differ mainly because they contain different ingredients. Look for the main ingredient of Calcium Hypochlorite that is standard in most of these products. Notice that the concentration level varies from 50 to 75 percent. A product with a low percentage is not powerful enough to remove the particles.

Lithium shock is another type of shock with Lithium Hypochlorite as its main ingredient. Lithium is easier and faster to dissolve in the water than calcium. This product is not commonly used because of its high expense.

A chlorine-free shock product is suitable for anyone who does not like the odor of chlorine. The chemicals contain the same powers as chlorine without the skin and eye irritations. Potassium Monopersulfate is the main ingredient found in this product instead of calcium or lithium. Potassium does not have the same hardness and cloudiness effects that calcium has.

When to Add Shock

Know when it is necessary to add pool shock in general and on special occasions. There are some instances when your pool gets particularly filthy and needs a thorough cleansing with this chemical.

1. Once a week
2. After a party
3. After a rainstorm
4. After the summer

If you allow the chemicals to build up too much, you jeopardize the health of everyone using the pool. You never know if or when someone could get sick after a few swims.

There are effective and ineffective ways to clean your pool. If you want the most effective results, choose the swimming pool shock. All you have to do is review the many benefits that come with using shock chemicals. Choose a product based on calcium, lithium or potassium monopersulfate with each active ingredient having special cleaning powers.

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